As the 2015-2016 school year comes to a close for the seniors there are many important dates and times to be reminded of. Seniors will end the year this Wednesday, May 25. The rest of the district finishes the year on June 2.
The graduation ceremony is held at the U.S. Cellular Center on Friday, May 27 at 7 P.M. The senior class will have a mandatory graduation rehearsal on Friday at 1:30 at the U.S. Cellular Center. Students should arrive at 1:15 to ensure that things are done on time. That night seniors should arrive again at the U.S. Cellular Center by 6:15. Seniors who are on stage such as, Valedictorians, Salutatorians and speakers will have rehearsal on Monday, May 23 at 10 A.M. in the auditorium. They should have received a pass if they are included in Monday’s rehearsal. The diplomas are handed out after the graduation is over. The graduation ceremony will be streaming live on KCRG 9.2.
Seniors will have a locker clean out on Wednesday, the 25 at 10:30 A.M. All students will be required to be checked off.
All library books are now over due for seniors. Books must be returned and fines must be paid by graduation. Seniors can no longer check out books in the IMC. For freshman, sophomores and juniors all books will be due Monday.
The library will remain open until 5;30 P.M. Monday through Thursday to provide students with extra time for projects and studying. It will not stay open later on Friday due to graduation.
If you are a senior and apart of National Honor Society and would like to wear a NHS cord at graduation you will need to pay Mrs. Cory and bring your receipt to Mrs. Frye, or buy it directly from Mrs. Frye in room 102. The cords are not mandatory.
Students will not have school on Memorial Day, May 30. Final exams will be held June 1 and 2.